¤°¨Have Sun !

Welcome to Wattbag.com !

A photovoltaic installation in mind ?

 Since 2008, I'm really proud to keep providing my 3 famous apps for free !

They are now renamed and united in the powerfull SUNCATCHER APP:
SUNRISE' : full 360° localized horizon photolvoltaic shades profiling
SUNSET' : easy 3D perspective photovoltaic modules rendering
SUNBAG' : next 24/48 hours & monthly photovoltaic energy forecasting

Now it's time to build the Wattbag.com membership : be welcome on board !

For free, put your free bag on your back  :
     - The SUNCATCHER interface above, as a front-end web app access (the free stuff).
     - live "on-site" photovoltaic PDF study including all SUNCATCHER results & graphs
        with Wattbag.com logo and watermark on it.
For only 1$ per month, put your cool bag on your back  :
     - The SUNCATCHER interface above, as a front-end web app access (the free stuff).
     - SUNBAG'48 Progressive Web App access on your android smartphone.
     - live "on-site" photovoltaic PDF study including all SUNCATCHER results & graphs
        with Wattbag.com logo but without watermark on it.

For 10$ per month, put your premium bag on your back  :
     - The SUNCATCHER interface above, as a front-end web app access (the free stuff).
     - SUNBAG'48 Progressive Web App access on your android smartphone.
     - live "on-site" photovoltaic PDF study including all SUNCATCHER results & graphs
        with your own logo and without watermark on it.
     - easy-to-use API access to our exclusive SUNBAG'48 algorithm !